Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Uh yes, about the slackness

Sorry about not posting much this week (or, if that's a relief to you, my pleasure) - it's been somewhat busy. Also, I've spent the day on the opposite side of the city to usual, which meant leaving at 6.15 this morning (completely overestimating how much time it'd take to go out west), arriving at 7am, and then not having my matter properly dealt with until 3pm.

I did have an opportunity, though, sitting in the car for two hours before the place opened, to go through the paper and there are plenty of things on which to comment. I've underlined them. And left them in the car. And have forgotten what they were (important and profound though my thoughts on the issues).

So I'll follow through on that promise I haven't yet made to actually do a blog post today, when I get home and find the newspaper adorned with my scribbles. If you'll give me a few hours.In the meantime, please enjoy/tolerate this pointless filler post.


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