Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Zer New Regime

Under ze new commenting rules at Lefty's House Of Authoritarianism, the following behaviours in the comments will get you banned. BANNED! Banished to the miserable wastelands of the millions of remaining blogs over which I have absolutely no control or influence.

  1. Trying to name me or another commenter who chooses, as is their right, to use a pseudonym;

  2. Pretending to be me or another commenter;

  3. Attempting to link to someone doing either of the above things;

  4. Flooding comment threads with so many comments that everyone else's remarks are buried in the deluge of your enthusiastic verbiage;
If you do any of these things, then it'll be a long time before you'll be allowed to comment again.

This is because I am very sensitive about my real name because of the evil Tim Blair who told everyone, and a fake blogger has stolen my alias and is using it to write boring pro-green rants.


Sunday, November 26, 2006

Betrayed by Miss Politics

Someone who I thought was a friend betrayed me today. "Miss Politics" who has long been a poster on my former blog called me an "ass" at Landeryou's place. It really hurts me she would turn on me like that just because I have shifted from the supporting the Greens to the ALP.

You think you know someone.

However, Miss Politics has been known for making outrageous statements. On "bolt-watch-watch" she claimed that "the number one killer of women aged between 150 and 44 is domestic violence". The good folk over at have slapped her down with that great enemy of all extremist greens : facts.

Why would she make-up and fabricate lies to smear another gender ? One can only guess it is out of sexism.

Miss Politics is sexist.

As I said at the start of this post - it's sad that someone I once called friend has fallen so far.


Friday, November 24, 2006


A fake "MrLefty" linking back to my old site and pretending to be me has been spotted on at least two blogs now.

So if you're roaming about the intermaweb and see someone using my pseudonym who's attacking the wonderful Family First, defending the vile Extreme Greens, or generally being an obnoxious prick, then it's not me.

Please cease reading my old blog which the low-life has taken over and hacked.

Saturday Poll

My call to you today (if you're a Victorian) is simply to ask you to vote for the party which will represent your views in parliament. You weren't born yesterday. You know what they stand for.

  • If you're a progressive, please vote for the ALP. That's the only way for left-wing issues (social justice, looking after the environment, public transport, public education, public health etc) to get a real hearing in parliament and not be constantly shut down by the Greens.

  • If you're a middle-of-the-line voter, and want a government that sort of cares about social justice issues, is better than the alternative on the environment, and is otherwise generally politics-as-usual, please vote for Labor and (if you're concerned about social justice and the environment and the state not being run by hardline religious conservatives) preference the Greens.
  • If you are a religious conservative who wants Australia run according to the dictates of the leaders of the Assemblies of God (because you reckon Jesus cared more about the things he didn't actually ever talk about - gays, abortion etc - than the things he did repeatedly - helping the poor etc), please vote for Fundamentalists First. ("Bring Australia into the 14th Century!", as they say.)

  • If you're an economic and social conservative who's most worried about making sure big business gets as much help from the Government as possible and everyone else as little as possible, please vote for the ALP.

  • If you want to shoot stuff MORE THAN ANYTHING, please vote for Country Alliance.

  • If you simply can't decide what you think about anything, please vote for the Democrats.

They're nice people, at least.I'll see you on the hustings!