Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas!

The site has become a bit cluttered so I decided to delete the older posts and change the look as part of New Years renovations.

In other news, the pathetic troll who has been stalking me for the last few months must be on holidays from High School as he has ramped up his fake posts pretending to be me, claiming that I have "stolen his blog".
These are all lies. This is the one original source of MrLefty content.

If you see this Troll claiming to be me around. Ban him and tell him where to go.

Merry Christmas all and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Uh yes, about the slackness

Sorry about not posting much this week (or, if that's a relief to you, my pleasure) - it's been somewhat busy. Also, I've spent the day on the opposite side of the city to usual, which meant leaving at 6.15 this morning (completely overestimating how much time it'd take to go out west), arriving at 7am, and then not having my matter properly dealt with until 3pm.

I did have an opportunity, though, sitting in the car for two hours before the place opened, to go through the paper and there are plenty of things on which to comment. I've underlined them. And left them in the car. And have forgotten what they were (important and profound though my thoughts on the issues).

So I'll follow through on that promise I haven't yet made to actually do a blog post today, when I get home and find the newspaper adorned with my scribbles. If you'll give me a few hours.In the meantime, please enjoy/tolerate this pointless filler post.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Ruddock says that he's going to do something sensible

I'll count this chicken after it's hatched:

Amendments to Australia's copyright laws expected to be passed this week will make it legal for consumers to use modified chips (mod-chips) that circumvent anti-piracy technology built into game consoles if they also overcome measures that restrict the use of DVDs and games titles purchased legally in other regions.

Common sense in third-millennial copyright legislation? I don't know what to say. It's just so... unexpected.

And Ruddock has shown some actual nous by doing this. Endorsing the above has required him to reject the recommendations of the relevant Senate standing committee. (Obviously the industry lobbyists fucked up and bribed strenuously lobbied the wrong people. Ha ha, suckers.) Phillip Ruddock stood up and did something that Australians wanted him to do.

I... wow.

Of course, this legislation has been bouncing back and forth from "insane and oppressive" to "mildly annoying" for weeks, so I'll believe that it's lunged over to "vaguely sensible" when I've had a chance to read the relevant sections and when they've survived the Senate.

Until then, paint me cynically skeptical.

Phillip Ruddock? Gosh.